SHAWANO, WI- Shawano Police Officer Jeff Buettner was involved in a 39 vehicle crash Friday afternoon in Marathon County. According to Police Captain Shane Stange, Buettner was near Marathon County assisting another agency with an unrelated incident.
“He got caught up in the squall and was involved in the pileup,” Stange said.
Officer Buettner had minor injuries but was able to exit the vehicle through a window and walked away from the crash.
“He used his training to assist others,” Stange said.
The Shawano Police Department reported that Buettner was able to assist in triaging other motorists and provided important information to first responders at the scene.
“One driver stated that Officer Buettner held her hand while she cried and reassured her that help was on the way.”
Captain Stange confirmed that the squad car is totaled and being down one vehicle causes them to have to get creative.
“I will take a totaled-out squad that can be replaced over losing a good officer any day,” Stange said.