SHAWANO, WI – “No Justice, No Peace, No More Racist Police.” “I Can’t Breathe”
Those were the chants heard as a group of over 100 people marched from Memorial Park to the Shawano County Sheriff’s office, signs and cold waters in hand.
The peaceful movement was put together by former Shawano resident Natalia Corona.
“There needs to be something done. I don’t believe in the rioting or the looting, but something needs to be done.”
Corona said her daughter felt that something needs to be done because even in Shawano, there is injustice and it can be seen on social media. She says she was one of the first ones to hold up a sign at the corner of East Green Bay Street over the weekend. She explained that her son, who is of color, did not want to come out because he felt ashamed.
“This is about justice, its about peace and an end of racism.
The march started at 2:00pm on Wednesday and by 2:20pm the group was out in front of the Shawano County Sheriff’s Department.
The Shawano Police Department led the procession down Main Street, some by vehicle and some, like Police Chief Dan Mauel, by foot.
As the group walked down Main Street, many onlookers lined the sidewalks, some with signs of their own, others with phones in hand. The scene resembled that of the parades that are held in the City.
From start to finish, the event stayed peaceful.
Liz Flessert helped organize the event and told the group that there is a lot of misunderstanding about what they are trying to accomplish.
“We are all here for a reason, and that is to see good change. It is not to cause violence or hate anybody. We are not saying that black lives matter because no other ones do, but we are begging you to belive that black lives matter.”
Corona and Flessert led a lengthy reading of names of those who were killed at the hands of law enforcement and the procession went back down Main Street and ended up at Memorial Park.
Those holding signs at the corner of park were greated by horn honks, cheering and applauding from multiple vehicles driving by.
“We dream of a world where we can be proud of the color of the skin that we are in. It is not fair, nobody asked to be black,” Corona said. “I want a better life for my kids and I want a better life for everyone.”
Corona said she has seen enough hate in cities the size of Shawano.
“There are a lot of people who are not white in Shawano and there has been so much hate.”
She said while some think their message is hate law enforcement, she said this groups message is almost the opposite.
“The message is to love everyone and that we need change, a big change, the kind of change that will have everyone love everyone no mater the skin they are in. That is what we are marching for. That is what we want to end.”
A Live video of the protest can be found at the WTCH Facebook Page.