A standing room only crowd jammed into the Shawano County Park Pavilion last night to give their input to changes they want during the reconstruction of the Airport Road Bridge.
Two proposals were presented…one would keep the bridge basically as it is, with the vertical clearance at 5.6 feet, but widening the bridge from 27 feet to 42 feet.
The second proposal would be for a bridge similar to the one on highway 55 that would widen the Airport Road Bridge by 27 feet to allow boat traffic from both directions, and also raise the vertical clearance to 6.9 feet.
. The second proposal also includes adding room on the road for recreational users with the addition of walking paths and bicycle lanes.
If a build alternative is selected, the cost could be from $500,000 to $1,000,000 with construction starting as early as 2021. Project construction costs are funded by with up to 80% state funding with the remaining amount funded by the county.