High Enrollments and Teacher Hiring Is Leading To Delay
Shawano Hillcrest Primary School Administration is taking the good with the bad. An increase in number of new enrollments has lead to an extra long delay in making teacher assignments public to parents. Parents of students grades 4K through 2nd are waiting to find out who their child has for a classroom teacher for the upcoming school year, and that is still be worked on, according to Principal Troy Edwards.
“Because we have added two Kindergarten sections, we had to pull returning kids out of other teacher’s classrooms. If we would have opened it up and told parents who they were assigned to, we would have had to contact those parents and tell them ‘You were supposed to have Mrs. Smith, but now you have Mr. Johnson” Edwards said. “It just would have mucked up the whole situation.”
With Back to School week taking place next week in the Shawano School District, time is ticking. Edwards says this year, they had a spike in new Kindergarten enrollments, and that has led to them adding two new sections with new teacher hires.
Every year we get to this point, and everyone gets nervous. 8 years out of 8 years I have had to add new staff and new sections” Edwards said. “We have to wait, which nobody likes including myself.”
Edwards said the good news is that they have more students coming in and those enrollments keep coming.
“We have had over 100 new kids that we had to enroll and we are enrolling new kids every day, so it is a constant change. It’s good news for us, we want to have more students, but it does force us to wait longer to share the assignments.”
Edwards said the assignments will be made public before next Tuesday’s Back to School Night, but he is hoping they can be done this week.