On Tuesday, TCHDailyNews announced the winner of the 33rd annual Farm Woman of the Year award to Alison Sperberg of the town of Richmond. Alison and her husband Ben own and operate a farm with 115 milking cows and 150 young stock. Farming is something relatively new for Alison, who says she’s really grown to appreciate the industry.
“I’m very honored to be a part of this,” said Sperberg. “I didn’t grow up in the farm community at all; I was raised in the city. When I met my husband, as soon as I started milking, I knew I loved it and now it’s my full-time job. I can’t imagine my life without farming.”
To be named Farm Woman of the Year, candidates need to be nominated by someone who feels they are deserving. Alison’s nomination came from her mother in-law, Bonnie Sperberg
“She’s just a hardworking girl and she just cares about the animals and the farm,” Bonnie said.
Alison and Ben had just recently purchased the farm from Ben’s parents, Brian and Bonnie. Through her experience thus far, Alison says she wouldn’t trade farming for anything.
“It’s a very honorable job to have,” said Alison. There’s no job like it. You can set your own hours, you’re your own boss, and it’s a very meaningful way of life.”
The 33rd Annual Farm Woman of the Year ceremony was held at Jackson Point Sports Bar and Grill in Seymour.