SHAWANO, WI- A young bear cub was seen all around the city of Shawano on Monday.
The cub was seen in yards, on streets and by the Shawano library. Many got the opportunity to witness the bear and take a photo.
DNR officials say it is important to leave bear alone when you see one, and don’t feed it.
“Mom’s with cubs are moving around for food sources,” Jaqi Christopher of the DNR said.
It is also important to keep your yards clean. “Keep grills, bird feeders, pet food bowls clean and take those things in at night.”
DNR officials say this is the time of year that baby animals season, and it is important to keep wildlife wild.
“A young wild animal’s best chance for survival is with it’s mother,” Christopher said.
In this case, nobody noted seeing the mother anywhere near the bear cub.