SHAWANO, WI- The Shawano School District has confirmed that their will not be a recall election to fill the seats vacated by Michael Sleeper and Chuck Dallas. The Shawano school board currently has three vacancies. ” Two of the current vacancies were created when two board members who were the subject of a recall petition chose to resign at this past Monday’s board meeting” according to a statement sent from the school district. “At the time of their resignations, certificates of sufficiency had not yet been transmitted to the school board and the school board had not yet called for a recall election.”
The petitioner, Bobby Lemerond told the TCHDailyNews that she would be willing to withdraw the petition if allowed. “I don’t want to cause the Shawano School District any unneeded expense and I don’t want to cost the tax payers and the community any unnecessary expense,” Lemerond said. “The goal was met.”
In consultation with legal counsel and elections officials, the district has accepted the recall petitioner’s request. The board clerk has not issued certification and therefore the board is not yet required to call the election, accordingly, no recall election will be held and the vacant seats will be filled through the appointment process.
Both vacated seats that were the subject of the recall effort are up for election in the April 2023 election cycle.