SURING, WI- Parents showed up at the last Suring School Board Meeting in large numbers to address allegations that student strip searches were conducted as part of attempts to locate vaping devices that students had. This took place after some students were caught vaping on school grounds.
Over 40 parents and students were in attendance, and over a dozen parents spoke out about the issue, but did not give any details about the incidents during public comment in order to adhere to the school board policy that states that public comment should not include any direct personal attacks.
Listen to the Public Comments from Parents
Audio Player“No one is above the law, no one,” one parent said sternly. “I am appalled. This should never happen.”
After the meeting, some parents informed TCH Daily News that students reported to them that they were called into the office and were strip-searched. It was reported by the parents that the District Superintendent, Kelly Capser, approved of, and in some cases, performed the searches of the female students, along with a female school nurse and female law enforcement officer. A male school principal and a male officer did the searching of the male students. One parent explained what she learned from her daughter.
“She was taken into a room and gave them her vape and the superintendent told her that she was going to strip search her anyway,” the parent said. “She stripped her down to her bra and underwear and had her pull her bra out and looked down there to make sure there was nothing there.”
She said this was done to multiple students and it was done before parents were informed. “I was informed hours later that it was done and that she would receive an in-school suspension.”
Another parent said many, if not all of the children were minors, with the youngest being 15, according to what was told to TCH Daily News.
Listen to one parent explain what she said happened to her daughter.
Audio Player
During public comment, parents indicated that they wanted action to be taken, or they would take further action.
“We are here and we are watching because we love this community and we love these students and we love this school and because we know our rights,” one parent said.
One parent reminded the people in attendance that a school board election is coming up and write-in candidates are an option.
Another parent asked the crowd who would consider open enrolling their students and a large number of parents stood up. “That is bad for our sports, that is bad for our programs, and it is bad for our school district. This makes me super sad.
“Things do need to change and you need to decide what action needs to take place,” one parent said. “Sometimes this is the only safe place they have and it has been taken from them.”
One parent requested Administrative Leave for those involved. “If this was any other business, this would not be tolerated. The person who did it would be on suspension during the investigation, so why is that not being done?”
Another concern was a violation of policy. According to the school district policy, Under no circumstance shall a school official ever conduct a strip search of a student.
“These are your policies,” one parent shouted. “I really hope you guys open your eyes because we are not going away and we are going to make sure that something is done.”
One by one, parents approached the podium to address the board.
“They have been violated beyond belief and I don’t feel safe sending my children here,” one mother said. “Kids are getting pushed and pushed and you cannot mess with these children’s mental health. When we have a child commit suicide, it is going to be on you know who hands.”
One parent told TCH Daily News that their child is afraid to come to school.
The parents also addressed information the fact that they learned from the students that bathroom use was limited for all students and they were not allowed to use the bathroom in between classes in efforts to reduce vaping opportunities.
“They are completely disregarding the children’s mental health and in my opinion, it is a misuse of power.”
The parents said that the Oconto County Sheriff’s Department and the Green Bay Sexual Abuse Center are involved.
No action was taken during the meeting and the board did not address the issue.
Board President Wayne Sleeter said they heard the concerns from the parents and they take everything seriously. He also said there are things that they cannot publicly say at this time.