BONDUEL, WI – The Village of Bonduel is looking into lowering the speed limit on Main Street.
“As you come into Bonduel on 117, it steps down to 30 MPH, that is eventually going to step down to 25 MPH,” said Jesse Rankin, Village Muncipal Operations Director. “Coming from Slab City is goes down from 45 MPH to 30 MPH and what we want to is lower that speed all the way through the village until you get past North Street.”
The Village Board voted last week to make the request and recommendation to the DOT.
If approved, the Village Board will look to make the change to help pedestrian traffic on Main Street and put a focus on safety.
“There really is not any crosswalk by the business section so we feel it will be safer.”
Rankin says there was another concern when it came to visibility and overall safety.
“We have parking on the side of the street and it gets really limited and impacts the line of sight, so this will add a little bit of caution.”
Before the Village Board made their decision, Rankin said they have been researching this for some time.
“We checked on other villages and did some research and we see that it is pretty consistent across the board.”
The long term plan includes the addtion of crosswalks for pedestrains along Main Street.
Rankin says there is still some more of the process that has to be completed.
“The DOT will look at it and determine that is feasible and once they do, it will go to the county.”
He says the County will be the one to change the signs and start the changeover.