The Oconto County Youth Fair Association, Inc. will hold its annual meeting Tuesday evening, October 22 at the Fair Grounds Expo Hall at Zippel Park in Gillett, WI at 7 p.m. The public is invited and encouraged to attend and participate in this business meeting of your county fair. The Fair Association is a Wisconsin corporation whose purpose is to put on the annual county fair. All residents of Oconto County of voting age are members of the association, which means every resident age 18 and older is eligible to participate in the meeting including voting for directors. Residents meeting the age requirement are also eligible to run for a position on the board of directors. Five directors will be elected to serve three-year terms on the 15 person board of directors at the meeting. In addition, the meeting will feature the financial and other reports on the 2019 fair.
The directors are responsible for conducting the business of the organization. There is an expectation that those seeking director positions have the time available to actively participate in the affairs of the association. The time commitment includes one business meeting per month throughout the year. The Fair Board meets on the fourth Tuesday every month at 7:00 pm. Additional time will be spent doing committee work in preparation for the fair with more time needed in the two to three weeks surrounding the fair to set up, manage, and put away the fair. This includes being there full days from the Saturday before the fair through the Monday after the fair.
Nominations can be made anytime up to the annual meeting by contacting, Debbie Woods at 920-373-1212, or send an email to or contact any current director. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the meeting.